HearRVA creators talk about ‘Liner Notes’ and connect fans to Richmond music.
HearRVA owners Rian and Elijah sat down with Virginia This Morning to discuss the new projects on the way including ‘Liner Notes’ and the MixTaste Quiz they created.
Thank you to Bill, Jess, and the rest of the Virginia This Morning (VTM) and CBS-6 news team for having us on.
Watch 'Liner Notes' here: https://www.hearrva.com/liner-notes
Take HearRVA's FREE MixTaste Playlist Quiz to get a curated playlist of only Richmond artists! Each playlist fits a specific vibe, but offers a mix of styles and genres to weave together a soundscape of the city designed for you. https://www.hearrva.com/mixtaste-play...
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To find more Richmond musicians follow @HearRVA on all social media or by going to https://www.HearRVA.com#hearrva #LinerNotesRVA #RichmondVA SHOW LESS